( The Canterbury Corpus )
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Description of the tech file

file name:lcet10.txt
description:Technical writing
file size:426754 bytes

Sample of contents of lcet10.txt
(Lines 81 to 100)
 Image Storage Formats
 William L. Hooton (Moderator)
 A) Principal Methods for Image Capture of Text:
 direct scanning, use of microform
 Anne R. Kenney
 Pamela Q.J. Andre
 Judith A. Zidar
 Donald J. Waters
 B) Special Problems: bound volumes, conservation,
 reproducing printed halftones
 George Thoma
 Carl Fleischhauer
 C) Image Standards and Implications for¬
 Jean Baronas
 Patricia Battin
 D) Text Conversion: OCR vs. rekeying, standards¬
of accuracy
 and use of imperfect texts, service bureaus
Note: Lines displaying the ¬ symbol have been wrapped for clarity

This page last updated Monday, January 08, 2001 by Matt Powell Department of Computer Science University of Canterbury